Click on any photo for an enlargement.  Use the reference number to the left of the photo when adding comments to a particular photo.   About the photos. Check out the photos taken by Rhodie Coleman, Louise Flood and Melissa Reardon.

Photos taken by Cathy Slack

4 Jackie Ricci: See Garth. The wedding wasn't so bad. Your still smiling.
5 Ron Flood: Here's Ron giving Shawn tips on how to play black jack.
6 Jackie Ricci: You can't tell here how slowly the Conga Line went. It was so hot we could barely prance, never mind dance.
7 Ron Flood: Show me the way to San Jose!
9 Irene Di Fiore: Rhodie just couldn't wait to show her photos to the other guests. Most of us don't start reliving the moment until the cake has been cut (or at least wait until the toast).

Check out the photos taken by Rhodie Coleman, Louise Flood and Melissa Reardon.

Paul and Rhodie Coleman.
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Revised: 27 Oct 2003 11:38:49 -0700.